San Gregorio (poem)

Written on the beach, at night, in such dark that I couldn’t see what I was writing.

The moon comes out from behind
the flowing gray mushroom
clouds while the lighthouse flashes
and comes around again and flashes
while the moon, looking for all the world
like a B&W copy of an Apollo photo
of all the world
only to be mysteriominousinisterly
swallowed by the myriad mountainous
milky vapours as a car's headlights
turn the road behind me
into a trip out of 2001
while the churning ocean beckons.

What kind of mushroom soup did you say?
It's so warm inside
I hope so I could sure use it
I sure feel like it
if you were here
I wish you were
so I could share
all I could carry with me with you.

I don't think I'll copy this poem.
It's because
without the light to write right by
it's itself.

The clouds have gone
leaving a star-studded sky.
    They say a mature personality
    is one that knows what it wants
    and acts to get it.
Over there is the Big Dipper
Ursa Major and if you extend
an imaginary line through the
far rim about 7 times its length
you will see the pole star Polaris
by which you can find your way
in the dark.
    I have bathed in the light of Polaris
    and know what I want - you.
    Where I stand, here at me
    I want to follow the North Star
    until I can bask
    in the warm glow of your love.
Oh yes, I had almost forgotten
about the one who answers to that name.
I've said I really dig him.
How I could i wish that he lose you
even to me?
All I really want
is to share.

But I can't end on that note!

I hope I haven't upset you.
How could I forgive myself if
I did something that ruined
our friendship.
Did you think I had forgotten
the beauty we have already shared?
I don't want to destroy what we have
I just want it to grow to surge
to blossom into all the things
it could be but hasn't so far.

The clouds are back
masking the moon
in an eerie aura of awe
and the moon
and the mood
that allowed me to write this
Too late now
much too late to say
that I

for Debbie von Kaenel
San Gregorio, circa 1969

Copyright ©1969,1999,2020 Howard A. Landman