Italy day 47: Fontanella to Duino

October 5th: Our B&B came with breakfast, which turned out to be coupons for a bakery two blocks away

Carol got a fruit pastry, and I got a croissant sandwich. Note the wiggly spoon hooked over the cup rim.

Fontanella is an ancient town, going back at least to a fort built in the 5th century.

La Porta di Sopra, part of the ancient boundary wall (but possibly remodeled at a later date).
The master tower complex.
It has a moat.
The inner courtyard.

We chose to drive back roads through this part of Italy, which is rated very high for “quality of life”. We stopped for lunch at a random restaurant, but the food was excellent.

First course. Carol is a gnocchi-holic, but I opted for the squid pasta. Both the gnocchi and pasta were handmade.
We split one second course. Veal, in a lemon-caper-mint sauce that was amazing.

After lunch, we walked around the town square and got some gelato.

The weather cleared up to merely cloudy as we continued our long drive to Duino. But we arrived around 7 PM, and it was hard to find an open restaurant. We finally ate at Dama Bianca down by the water.

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