Tammy and the T-Rex (1994)

This was recommended to me as one of the best of the bad dinosaur movies. Unfortunately, I don’t think it was quite bad enough to be good. A young man’s brain is transferred into a mechanical T-Rex, and he then struggles to be understood and to get back into a human body.

The T-Rex itself is often unconvincing, as the animatronic model can’t walk, so you mostly get shots of its upper body and head (where it either doesn’t move, or seems to be moving on rollers with preternatural smoothness) plus shots of rubber T-Rex feet walking. Denise Richards should get a B-movie Oscar, though, for her convincing scenes of being in love with the robotic beast; some moments are nearly as good as Fred Astaire dancing with a coat rack. I also liked the multi-talented Ellen Dubin as Helga, but it was a small part that should have been given more room to develop.

The movie toyed with crossing the sexual line, but wimped out except for a bizarrely out-of-place strip-tease just before the credits that felt like too much too late. [I am told there is a new “uncut R-rated” version, but I don’t think that’s what I watched.] This is probably a failing, as there could have been a comedy gold mine there if handled well (think Young Frankenstein, or even Toxic Avenger). So, I’m going to give this one a B-.

Brain Cloud

A work in progress, “Brain Cloud 1”: Sagittal slices of an MRI scan of my brain, laser etched onto sheets of acrylic, mounted on a walnut-stained red oak base. Still to do: get the other slices mounted, and work out built-in LED lighting. MRI data from Carol; laser advice from Josh; wood shop advice from Dave.